Thursday, May 2, 2019

Widal test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation for Enteric Fever

widal test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range for enetric or typhoid fever. Image result for widal The Widal test is one method that may be used to help make a presumptive diagnosis of enteric fever, also known as typhoid fever. What is O and H in widal test? What is the normal range for widal test? What is the meaning of widal test positive? What is the principle of widal test? More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

Urine pregnancy test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses and Interpretation - Urine HCG

urine pregnancy test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range urine hcg test. A human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) urine test is a pregnancy test. A pregnant woman's placenta produces hCG, also called the pregnancy hormone. If you're pregnant, the test can usually detect this hormone in your urine about 10 days after your first missed period. ... It's often is referred to as a home pregnancy test. How early can a home pregnancy test detect pregnancy? How can we confirm pregnancy? How do you read a pregnancy test? More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

Troponin T test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation - Trop T

troponin t test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range -Trop T test. A troponin test measures the levels of troponin T or troponin I proteins in the blood. These proteins are released when the heart muscle has been damaged, such as occurs with a heart attack. The more damage there is to the heart, the greater the amount of troponin T and I there will be in the blood. What is a normal troponin T level? What level of troponin indicates a heart attack? What is a normal troponin test result? What is the normal range for troponin? More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

Rothera's test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation - Ketone Bodies

rothera's test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range - test for ketone bodies. Principle of Rothera’s Test Acetoacetic acid and acetone react with alkaline solution of sodium nitroprusside to form a purple colored complex. This method can detect above 1-5 mg/dl of acetoacetic acid and 10-20 mg/dl of acetone. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is not detected. What is Rothera's test? Why do ketone levels rise in plasma and urine? Is Ketonuria a sign of dehydration? Can you have ketones without having diabetes? More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

Westergren test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation - ESR test

westergren Test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation of westergren method with normal reference range - ESR test. A method for estimating the sedimentation rate of red blood cells in whole blood by mixing venous blood with an aqueous solution of sodium citrate and allowing the mixture to stand in an upright standard pipet and, after one hour, reading the millimeters the cells have descended. What is ESR Westergren method? What does high ESR mean? What is Westergren tube? What is a normal sed rate? More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

ELISA test Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation - HIV AIDS test

ELISA Test procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range -HIV AIDS test. The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a technique used to detect antibodies or infectious agents in a sample. Antibodies are made in response to infection and so an antibody ELISA can indicate whether or not an animal has been in contact with a certain virus. More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC

Wintrobe's method Procedure - Test Principle, Uses, Preparation and Interpretation - ESR test

wintrobe's method procedure, Principle, Uses, reagents Preparation and results Interpretation with normal reference range-ESR test. Wintrobe method: The Wintrobe method is performed similarly except that the Wintrobe tube is smaller in diameter than the Westergren tube and only 100 mm long. EDTA anticoagulated blood without extra diluent is drawn into the tube, and the rate of fall of red blood cells is measured in millimeters after 1 hour. More Information: Credits: Labs for life, a partnership project of MoHFW and CDC